Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Star Trek's Top Ten Most Awesomest Classic Creatures

Wired has a great slide show of the original Star Trek's top ten cheesiest creatures. My pick for cheesiest is the lame abominable snowman thing pictured below menacing Kirk. They clearly had run out of ideas that week. The best, though, is the blob that tunneled through solid rock. It was a silicon-based life form that I think is completely cool.

The Wii Saber

We have been waiting 30 years for this! OK, not exactly this, but at least we're getting closer.

Saturday, November 17, 2007


In the future, energy will be stored in little blue things.
Click here for an IEEE article.

Tuesday, November 06, 2007

High School Chemistry Dreams

Admit it, ever since high school chemistry you've dreamed about how cool it would be to dump a massive load of sodium into a lake. Thanks to the U.S. government and some leftovers from a little episode called World War II, your dreams have come true.