Review: Wool by Hugh Howley
Wool by Hugh Howley
This is only an e-book. Why is it not in dead tree-form? Maybe because the dead tree people are stupid. This is the only reason I can think that a publisher would not jump on a book of this quality. It all takes place in a future world where the Earth is ruined and the remaining humans live in this elaborate silo. The culture that allows this lifestyle to persist over centuries is about to fracture, and the events leading up to it are surprising. The story is tightly woven with vivid characters. If you lived all in a silo, would you want to get out? Would they let you out? Who is "they"? Working for TI, for example, gives you some sense of the desperate life lead by our characters.
Sound interesting. Maybe. I'll give it a try and maybe post a counter-review.
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