Saturday, March 29, 2008

Earth Hour!

In case you did not notice, Earth Hour is today. You are asked to make a difference by turning off your lights from 8pm to 9pm local time.
If the point is to reduce the amount of CO2 in the air, then I guess this might kinda do something I guess. If the point is to save our natural resources, then I don't get it at all. Besides the obvious fact that reduced demand will lower the price of energy.

I think it's time for a generous quote from an actual economist:

"As more and more of the known reserves of oil get used up, the present value of the remaining oil begins to rise and once more exploration for additional oil becomes profitable. But, as of any given time, it never pays to discover all the oil that exists in the ground or under the sea. In fact, it does not pay to discover more than a minute fraction of that oil. What does pay is for people to write hysterical predictions that we are running out of natural resources. It pays not only in book sales and television ratings, but also in political power and in personal notoriety. Even the huge usages of energy resources in the twentieth century have not reduced the known reserves of the natural resources used to generate that energy.

...Moreover, energy usage has continued to escalate... yet the known petroleum reserves have risen. At the end of the twentieth century, the known reserves of petroleum were more than ten times as large as they were in the middle of the twentieth century."

Thomas Sowell, "Basic Economics" 3rd Edition, page 277

Monday, March 24, 2008

Arthur C. Clarke RIP

If you have not already, stop by the Arthur C. Clarke Foundation to pay your respects.  
Sadly we have not made alien contact ...yet...

Thursday, March 20, 2008

If You Laugh At This You Are a Bad Person

Woman goes for leg operation, gets new anus instead.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Ginger or Mary Ann Jane

Apparently our beloved Mary Ann from Gilligan's Island was busted for having pot in her car after she was pulled over for driving "erratically". And she's 68! I always knew they really weren't trying very hard to get off that island. The Skipper and Gilligan probably had the hold of the Minnow stuffed full of weed.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Pi Day

Happy PIday to everyone out there in nerdland. I know some of you will be celebrating this day, if for no other reason than your job consists of doing nothing.

Sunday, March 09, 2008

The stuff

After a slight amount of mostly random research into energy drinks, I have standardized on the following.

I could only find it at PCC which is a place where stuff is really expensive, and even the hemp is organic, but thanks to non-hippies everywhere, this product is also available by the case at amazon. The non-lite version tastes a lot better, but this one, which is sweatened with stevia, is not bad and only 10 calories. But who gives a crap about that! It is enthusiasm in a bottle. Or, for those of you in Dallas, you must drink one of these after Kebab 'n Kurry to have any hope of productivity afterwards.
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