This is great. I'm finding that one of the greatest gifts in life is sharing the Star Wars mythology with my progeny. I wonder what people did in the before time? I guess it was Zeus and Apollo etc. I notice that the Christian mythology is alarmingly short of really cool bad guys like the Empire and Darth Vader. I mean, sure, the gospels take a swing at the Roman empire and the Jooz, but honestly it doesn't stick. Plus Judas is not at all convincing in the role of Boba Fett.
Darth Mall is a shameless copy of Satan. And what about demons? Have you told your progeny the story of the demons cast into a group of pigs who then ran off the side of a cliff?
This is great. I'm finding that one of the greatest gifts in life is sharing the Star Wars mythology with my progeny. I wonder what people did in the before time? I guess it was Zeus and Apollo etc.
I notice that the Christian mythology is alarmingly short of really cool bad guys like the Empire and Darth Vader. I mean, sure, the gospels take a swing at the Roman empire and the Jooz, but honestly it doesn't stick. Plus Judas is not at all convincing in the role of Boba Fett.
Darth Mall is a shameless copy of Satan. And what about demons? Have you told your progeny the story of the demons cast into a group of pigs who then ran off the side of a cliff?
Nice call. I almost forgot about that one. I'll save the pig story for just the right moment.
Oh, the bacon!
I always figured the guy who owned those pigs must have been pretty pissed.
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