Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Alternate Evolutionary Theories

From this story in the DMN about a crazy Dallas County jail guard:
"I believe that all dinosaurs were born of Satanic angel who has sex with woman and the animal kingdom that created ungodly reptilian creatures none of these were on the Ark," Johnson said.
Not a very interesting story over all, but I thought the above quote was a real winner.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

That's Gonna Leave a Mark

There's something about this story that makes me uncomfortable.
Wash. man electrocuted by urinating on power line

(AP) – Mar 1, 2010

MONTESANO, Wash. — Authorities believe a Washington man was killed by accidentally urinating on a downed power line after a car crash.


Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Yoshirap: The Movie

This blog has now come full circle as the live action movie version of Tekken is set for release this year. The movie will star all of your favorite characters, including Nina, a personal favorite of at least one noted Yoshirap blogger.

Also in the movie will be the always dangerous Anna.

And last but certainly not least, the man himself, the Space Ninja of danger, Yoshimitsu (Tekken 3 version).

For more information see the Tekken website.

Monday, March 08, 2010

Godzilla Haiku
