Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Marzipan Fetus

No, not just the name of our new punk band, these are indeed fetuses of marzipan.
A couple things come to mind immediately. If you put these on your cake, who is going to eat them?
Plus the Germans must be involved somehow because:
1) Artistic + Deeply weird = Germans
2) Anatomically correct? Wow. Germans
3) Marsipan anything. Germans
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Blogger Mike said...

Yep, definitely the most disturbing thing on the internet so far. Question: Would you bite the heads off? I would, but only if they didn't stop crying.

December 28, 2006 at 1:43:00 PM PST  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Put up the one in the yicky quail egg! I can't look at these things without cringing, but please add another to share their disgustingness with the rest of the world. (and yes, disgustingness is a word. now.)

December 31, 2006 at 10:27:00 PM PST  

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