Friday, February 10, 2006

Thou shalt be throttled

Have you guys experienced any throttling lately?

I doubt if Mike has it in him to approach the kind of volume required to approach the limit, but there are many layers to the onion we call "Mike". Who knows what really goes on back at the ranch?

Also, taking several evenings to watch a 2 hour movie could impede a budding movie review career. Agree or disagree?


Blogger Jason W. said...

Obviously Mike is not going to be on the throttle list.

I'm wondering how this guy in the article discovered this algorithm?
If I were netflix, I'd start sending guys like this coupons to go to dinner, or get out of the house or something. Unless you are Gene Shalet, no one should be renting that many movies.

Speaking of checking things out, Jackie has a method of gaming the public library so that she can continually re-check out books which are technically on hold by someone else.

Let me also say that when I google image search "Gene Shalet" I get one picture which is not him. What is going on here? Corporate firewall or something? How can there be no recorded image of Gene Shalet?

February 10, 2006 at 3:05:00 PM PST  
Blogger Mike said...

I've been suspicious on a couple of occasions that Netflix has been throttling me, but you guys are probably right. I can't sustain watching more than two discs a week for any extended period of time so I should be safe. This is the first time I've ever heard Netlifx admit to it though. Remind me to tell you guys about the time I got a 3 month discount from Netflix after sending them a late-night, conspiracy-laced email rant.

February 11, 2006 at 5:44:00 AM PST  

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