How to feel impotent and omnipotent at the same time.
Welcome to the Hubble Ultra Deep Field

Now open up this image in your favorite paint shop program and start with a black pen. Pick some hapless galaxy and delete it. Say something like "..and you guys are outta here!" Then pick another 100,000 billion-star galaxy. Rub that one out. Probably a bunch of perverts anyway. Keep going; you still have 9,998 left. Pick a galaxy full of beings that probably have not kept the Sabbath. "Gonzo!" Don't feel so small anymore do you?!
The more I write, the more I'm concerned that I might need therapy. I'll stop now.

You win the prize for most profound post to appear on Yoshimitsu Rapture. We'll have a small ceremony once you've finished annihilating civilizations.
I'm thinking you have too much free time.............your Sis.
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