I have to go with arcane wizardry, or some algorthim mere mortals can't understand. In fact, now that I think about it, I am sure our future (or present?) robot overlords are behind this somehow. No pun intended.
You wonder why the US is behind other countries in math and science? If you add the digits and subtract the resulting sum, you always get a number that is a multiple of 9. If you look at the characters that are behind the numbers divisible by 9, you will notice they are all the same.
For more on this and other phenomena to amaze and stump your friends, check out the following book. Mathematics, Magic and Mystery by Martin Gardner.
BTW, this took me 7.5 minutes to figure out. Obviously, if I were a Chinese or Indian national, I would have figured it out much faster than that :-)
I have to go with arcane wizardry, or some algorthim mere mortals can't understand. In fact, now that I think about it, I am sure our future (or present?) robot overlords are behind this somehow. No pun intended.
You wonder why the US is behind other countries in math and science? If you add the digits and subtract the resulting sum, you always get a number that is a multiple of 9. If you look at the characters that are behind the numbers divisible by 9, you will notice they are all the same.
For more on this and other phenomena to amaze and stump your friends, check out the following book. Mathematics, Magic and Mystery
by Martin Gardner.
BTW, this took me 7.5 minutes to figure out. Obviously, if I were a Chinese or Indian national, I would have figured it out much faster than that :-)
This does prove that my math skills aren't what they used to be since it was not working for me until I used a calculator.
Anyway, I like it. The spookiness of it is a nice flavor.
I can't help but think that some relgions were started on less that this.
You always were the closest thing we had to a foreigner. And I am sorry for the delay in approving your comment.
No worries about the delay.
And it does make my pasty-white heart glow to be thought of as foreign in the exotic sense.
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