Saturday, August 26, 2006

This is What We're Messing With

Some things are better left alone.

Monday, August 21, 2006

Did I forget to worry about this? .. until now.

What's the deal with EMP weapons? I was relaxing at home watching Discovery Channel's SuperWeapons when they described the Electro Mangetic Pulse weapon. I think I should probably dump the volcano thing for this little guy. One weapon to destroy all electronics in the continental US? Holy Scheiss Stucke, Batman!
Then I read this article and I'm convinced we're screwed!

Good thing that the tin-foil-hat-wearing web-publishing-loosers know that this is all a "neo-con" plot. What is wrong with these people? If we lived in the facist country they think we do, they would be in jail by now for treason. Poseidon's beard! I hate these people!

Anyway, let me admit that I am quite aware that I require less rigorous evidence for topics I'm sympathetic to (stupid human 1.0 brain!), but this weapon was demonstrated on Superweapons and seems eminently plausible to me. How long would it take you guys to start making chips again if you had no electronic equipment whatsoever to even begin? I think we'd all starve well before then. Even with computers, I've waited for you guys to produce a chip and we all know it can be ugly.

Gifted human males

a gifted human male whose early genius of childhood and promising Starfleet career were shockingly cut short in an Academy scandal...

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Thursday, August 17, 2006

The Magic and Mystery of Fembots

Popular Science has a fascinating article (and photo gallery) on the enigmatic creature known as the fembot. Sometimes beautiful, often alluring, always deadly, the fembot is a important element of science fiction cinema, and should not be overlooked by Yoshirap readers.

Monday, August 14, 2006

Big slug, weird rocks

As I was out collecting data for the YR blog, I came across this slug. It was about 6 inches long, I didn't have any sort of measuring device to put next to it for perspective, well besides a plastic fork, but that didn't seem appealing. I'm sure no one has ever seen this green species of banana slug before. Therefore I shall call it Molluskus Jasno.

And what's up with these rocks? Notice that they look like they are slashed by some unseen force. Well, unseen in this picture, the ocean is a few feet way. I'm still not sure how the slashes got there. Also, these rocks are shot through with white veins of quartz. How did that happen? There are all sort of incongruent rocks on this beach. I leave it to the wisdom of the YR community to figure it out. Posted by Picasa

Sunday, August 13, 2006

Something to Keep in Mind

More Evidence

How much more evidence do we need? A new Jersey robot parking garage refuses to give up its cars, and all the government does is ban shampoo on airplanes?! When are people going to wakeup to the robot menace?

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Biodiesel Boating

This weekend was SeaFair in Seattle. Besides the environment-destroying (but fun!) hydroplane races (NASCAR for yuppies) This crazy boat made an appearance. Runs on french fry grease or something. This could change the future of weird boats as we know it. Check it out.
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Friday, August 04, 2006

Finger Clickin' Good

All you have to do is go up and down in your helicopter