Monday, August 14, 2006

Big slug, weird rocks

As I was out collecting data for the YR blog, I came across this slug. It was about 6 inches long, I didn't have any sort of measuring device to put next to it for perspective, well besides a plastic fork, but that didn't seem appealing. I'm sure no one has ever seen this green species of banana slug before. Therefore I shall call it Molluskus Jasno.

And what's up with these rocks? Notice that they look like they are slashed by some unseen force. Well, unseen in this picture, the ocean is a few feet way. I'm still not sure how the slashes got there. Also, these rocks are shot through with white veins of quartz. How did that happen? There are all sort of incongruent rocks on this beach. I leave it to the wisdom of the YR community to figure it out. Posted by Picasa


Blogger Mike said...

Did you try and communicate with the slug? This could be a first contact situation. Try looking it in the eye (stalk) and blinking e base 12. Good luck.

August 16, 2006 at 10:58:00 AM PDT  
Blogger Jason W. said...

Good suggestions. I didn't try that. I went with the usual camping protocol: Controlled bursts of methane, and changing my heat profile from very cold to very hot. No response either way from the subject. He's (?) probably heard it a million times before.

August 16, 2006 at 9:46:00 PM PDT  

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