Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Marzipan Fetus

No, not just the name of our new punk band, these are indeed fetuses of marzipan.
A couple things come to mind immediately. If you put these on your cake, who is going to eat them?
Plus the Germans must be involved somehow because:
1) Artistic + Deeply weird = Germans
2) Anatomically correct? Wow. Germans
3) Marsipan anything. Germans
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Friday, December 22, 2006

Merry Christmas and Death Star

I would like to wish all you Yoshirappers out there a Merry Christmas! To keep you occupied until my return, here's a fun link where you can manage the construction of your very own Death Star!

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Ents attack Bill Gates

Lord of the Rings fans know the power of trees. Just like when the Ents attacked Saruman, so the trees here on Seattle's east side attacked us. And they won.
The good news is that this YR author came through the storm with his roof and Douglas Firs intact. The bad news is that we were off the grid for 68 hours. Which is a long time. Long enough to have the stuff in your refridgerator go off, and about 67 hours past internet withdrawl.

That's why we loaded up and made our way 204 miles to grandma's house since she was mostly outside the zone of destruction. She doesn't have internet, but she does have warm food.

One thing I noticed, I'm really, really unprepared for a multi-day emergency. What if this had been an earth quake? I'll leave it to the other YR authors to take it from there.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Are You a True Yoshirapper?

See how many hours you can spend browsing this site. If it's less than three, you might need to find yourself a new blog.

Friday, December 08, 2006

Message from an alternate universe?

If you have a couple minutes, and a sound card (Mike!) then Klicken Sie Hier . It's fun, it's festive, and a completely fatuous use of technology. In other words, perfect for YR readers.
You're welcome.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Yoshirap Contributer Playing with His New Mac

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Proselytizing Athiesm

Here is a funny video of an Australian who gets fed up with Mormon missionaries waking him up in the morning. He goes door-to-door in Salt Lake City trying to convert Mormons to atheism, bringing along pamphlets and a copy of Origin of the Species. (Rated PG-13 for some language, but not from the Mormons!)

Friday, December 01, 2006

Live better through chemistry: German wang spray.

What's not to love about a spray-on condom? Leave it to the Germans. Some things they just can't leave well enough alone. Interesting to note that they are looking for test subjects. The fact that they have to advertise for volunteers is disconcerting. Maybe it's all the painters tape you have to put down to get a clean line? Spray painting is quite a hassle with stationary targets as it is.

Nevermind the Mr. Happy, what else would you spray this on? I'd start with the top of Carlos's head. Oops, did I say that out loud? It could be like an instant hat.