Sunday, June 24, 2007

The Colon Project

Not much can be said about this yet, but suffice to say, one Yoshirap author will be undergoing some fundamental changes that may very well alter the course of human history. This blog will be monitoring the situation closely. Stay tuned for further updates.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Profiles in Condescention

I had to attend some sort of corporate happy, happy, joy, joy training thing yesterday.
We took personality profile tests.
Here's what the results indicated about your humble YR author:

Becomes bored with routine work; sulks when restrained; acts independently.
Overuses bluntness; critical or condescending attitude.
Would increase effectiveness though: warmth; tactful communication; effective team cooperation; recognition of existing sanctions

I need Warmth?? Tact?? Let me ask you this… would I be any good to you, or our devoted YR reader(s), if I had tact?
These losers think I'm condescending? Whatever.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Not About My Co-bloggers

Once again, this post is not some sort of veiled reference to my illustrious co-bloggers. Any resemblance of those two to a cold, emotionless, pale alien and a hot blooded, swaggering ladies man is purely coincidental. Enjoy the video.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

WTF is wrong with us?

What the heck happened to us? Between the three of us we can't come up with enough stupid things to keep this blog alive? You want to disappoint Clive Didley, or whatever that Indian guy was called, who actually posted something here? We are on the cusp of international buzz.

And what about Tommy? Where else can he post stuff that makes him seem high? We offer this service not just for him but for everyone!

Way back in the day, we had such high goals. We were going to explore pressing topics like how gay the Spanish Armada was, Nazi memorabila, and black holes. Things that matter to gay nazi astrophysicists everywhere... Have we lost this drive?

Maybe we should take another direction? I can't believe this vein been completely mined already. Or are we all too busy now? Thinking just about my life, I'm starting to wonder if just maybe we're having too much sex? Yoshimitsu Rapture has had that kind of effect on women - it's a scientific fact. Our success is the seed of our own failure, but I'm willing to continue to risk it and I know you are too.

For the love of Zeus, we must at least post something for the red Chinese to censor. It's our civic duty.