Thursday, April 02, 2009

Urban Hunter

This guy isn't even from Louisiana.
Detroit - When selecting the best raccoon carcass for the special holiday roast, both the connoisseur and the curious should remember this simple guideline: Look for the paw.

"The paw is old school," says Glemie Dean Beasley, a Detroit raccoon hunter and meat salesman. "It lets the customers know it's not a cat or dog."

Beasley, a 69-year-old retired truck driver who modestly refers to himself as the Coon Man, supplements his Social Security check with the sale of raccoon carcasses that go for as much $12 and can serve up to four. The pelts, too, are good for coats and hats and fetch up to $10 a hide.

Be sure to watch the video (if you have the stomach for it) for a demonstration on the butchering and cooking of a raccoon.


Blogger Tommy said...

What an amazing coincidence. I want to name my first son Glemie, but, the wife vetoed the name.

April 3, 2009 at 2:44:00 PM PDT  
Blogger Jason W. said...

Um, ok. I'm just going to scroll down to Salma. Let me know how Glemie's video ends.

April 3, 2009 at 10:50:00 PM PDT  

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