Superbowl Extra-Lethargic
I have to mention this. Have you noticed that the Seahawks are in Superbowl XL? I know that this is a daily occurrence in Dallas, but here it is a big deal. After 30 years of sucking, something is afoot. Everywhere you go here in Seattle, the excitement for this event is almost palpable. And when I write almost, I mean almost not like "Geez, I can't believe I almost ate that whole pizza myself!" but almost like, "Oh yeah, I almost won the lottery."
In otherwords, it's really not as impressive as one would expect. At work they announced a corporate tail gate party on Friday, but I'm not hearing much interest. By this point, I'm pretty sure everyone knows the Seahawks are 1) the football team and 2) in some sort of big competition.
It's really quite pathetic even by my standards. Don't tell anyone, but I would kind of feel bad if we beat the Steelers since it appears that they are sweating and bleeding their team colors. They are even named after a local key industry. Would it be like if our team were the Seattle Operating Systems, or the Seattle Double Lattes - extra hot!?
I dunno. Maybe it's just me. We'll see what happens.