Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Mysteries of the Publishing Industry

Could someone please explain to me exactly why it is necessary to publish a graphic novel (i.e. comic book) in audio format? On cassette, no less! If your goal was to confuse shoppers into purchasing a useless product then, I guess that might be the way to go. Or, if the idea is to make shoppers think "why the !*&#$ is this book making noise?" when unpacking it, then you've got yourself a product. Otherwise, I'm at a loss.


Blogger Jason W. said...

Look, if you can't provide concrete examples, links, pictures (like you did for the ice cream thing), this whole blog is going to Hellena Handbasket.

On second thought, I'm already risking enough heat with that link to the dress up Jesus thing which I am now addicted to- thanks a lot.

Yes, my post is incoherent.

Remember this, "Talking about music is like dancing about architecture." - Steve Martin

February 22, 2006 at 7:52:00 PM PST  

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