Wednesday, May 10, 2006


This is old news to most of you, but the Impact Effects Calculator is a great aid in imagining what we can expect when the big one hits. For fun, I plugged in the latest theoretical numbers for the object that formed Meteor Crater in Arizona. The calculated results for the crater size were pretty close to actual. Interestingly enough, at 10km from the impact you would survive OK, assuming a piece of debris didn't land on you.

All this leads to the real point of this post: 99942 Apophis (get the SG-1 reference?) If this bad boy is going to whack us, it'll most likely do so in the Pacific, somewhere along the coast of North America. Bad news for some readers. I'll keep a close eye on developments, and if in 2036 you receive an email from me with subject, "The Raisin Loaf is in the Pan", head for higher ground immediately. That is all.


Blogger Jason W. said...

That's why I have a blackberry.

May 10, 2006 at 10:48:00 PM PDT  

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