Bald Women in SF
Here is an interesting article on bald chicks in science fiction. The author makes some interesting points on how baldness can be used to both masculinize a female hero (think Ripley in Alien 3) and enhance her sexuality and femininity (the bald chick in Star Trek: The Movie). But personally, no matter how bald they get, nobody, and I mean nobody comes close to Colonel Wilma Dearing:

P.S. In the article I link to above, be sure to take a look at the author's photo on the right. Is this guy a ringer or what? It's just creepy.
don't forget the Centauri women from B5.
As for Wilma... she seems so.... flat now. But still, yeah, you're right.
Ok, I doubt any of us could top that post, but let me say this: I think the Wilma Dearing topic is a hot one. I have been randomly asking men born between '65 and about '75 this simple question: "Col. Wilma Dearing. Hot or not?" The answer is always hot as expected. Not even a moment's hesitation.
Strangely, Jackie did not even know who she was.
Anyway, I have to admit that in the late 70's my heart was with another figure. I've been image googling for her and am preparing a post as we speak. But I don't want to push down the Dearing post too early. We're on sacred gound here. I know that.
Please tell me you still have that picture.
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