Tuesday, June 06, 2006


I've started watching season two of Penn & Teller's Bullsh*t on DVD, and I have to say the season is off to a great start. Their relentless mocking of that creepy "Men are from Mars" guy and pointing out the rampant hypocrisy of PETA and the war on drugs has warmed this libertarian's cold, black heart. Highly recommended if you don't mind extreme profanity every few seconds.


Blogger Jason W. said...

I knew you would love them. I can't believe you took so long to get to it. When you watch the one on creationism close the drapes.

June 6, 2006 at 7:30:00 PM PDT  
Blogger Jason W. said...

Have you seen John Stossel's latest book? It's along the same lines as BullSh*t!

I have recently read "Freakonomics", and also "The Undercover Economist" both of which I recommend to keep your Libertarian heart warm. Sounds like Stossel's book is pretty much the same material as these mentioned above. Questioning things like sweatshops being inherently bad, or a minimum wage being a good thing.

Worst of all, he questions Global Warming and apparently suggests that remediation of this "impending global catastrophy" is particularly tough on the poor.

I happen to have sympathy with this type of argument, and after reading some Anti-Stossel blogs, I hope he has some good security guards. Not only do the tin-foil hat wearing liberals hate him, but now the eco-Nazis are all stirred up. And as long as we keep the minimum wage high, there will be plenty of these guys out of work with time to plot against him.

June 11, 2006 at 10:38:00 PM PDT  
Blogger Mike said...

I haven't read Stossel yet, but I loved Freakonomics and look forward to reading Undercover Economist. I was surprised when Penn & Teller took on the environmentalists in season 1. That was a good episode. Up 'til then, the episodes had been mostly fluff like ripping reflexologists (which is like picking on the retarded kid) and the sex show(which was a bit too much of a sausage-fest for my tastes), with the exception of the one mocking creationists. But things seem to be heating up in season 2.

Also, I want to write a letter to Scientific American telling them that on they subject of global warming, they have all the tolerance for dissent (and evidence) as creationists.

June 12, 2006 at 4:13:00 PM PDT  
Blogger Jason W. said...

Speaking of Global warning, have you seen anything definitive on how much CO2 volcanos put out? I read somewhere (not sure where anymore) that Mt. Pinatubo alone put out more CO2 than the US does over some huge period of time which made me think "Oh really?"
But I have forgotten the particulars and I'm waiting for someone else to bring up the volcano thing.

Out where I live the issue is settled - global warming is caused by Republicans. So there is no reason to study volcanos I guess.

June 12, 2006 at 4:52:00 PM PDT  

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