Sunday, June 11, 2006

The Power of the Death Star

Here is link to an interesting article on how powerful the Death Star would need to be to destroy a planet. This is the kind of cutting-edge geekery I'd like to see from my co-bloggers.


Blogger Jason W. said...

2.2E32 Joules. Ok, that seems like a lot to me. They must have some sort of anti-matter device, or some higher-dimensional construct inside the Death Star to pull that off. You're the one with the scale model, have you gotten to that part yet?

Anyway, that's the fun part of Hollywood, isn't it? Insane amounts of free energy coupled with an amazing lack of creativity. For example, while skimming thru the last Matrix movie, I can't help but wonder why so many robot squid things are built to kill a bunch of people all living in the same spot under ground. Can't the Matrix just put a little Anthrax in there? Disperse a radio-active gass? Flood the cave with Nitrogen? Oh, I dunno, block the air vents?

Maybe the Matrix did have 2.2E32 J to work with, but spent it all creating a gagillion squid-bots.

June 11, 2006 at 10:25:00 PM PDT  

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