Friday, September 29, 2006
Thursday, September 28, 2006
Beretta Extrema2 Shotgun
Here's a cute little clip of the Beretta Extrema2 shotgun in action. 12 shots in 1.73 seconds! You can have one for just over $1k, so ear-tag that profit-sharing now.
Monday, September 25, 2006
Chickens Make Leap
A chicken in Pennsylvania has taken the next step in avian evolution: four legs. The advantages are incalculable. With four legs, the Enhanced Chickens(or E-Chicks) will be able to cut their ground pressure in half. Imagine the implications, or don't, if you want to sleep at night.

Saturday, September 23, 2006
Tactical Daddy
For those of our readers who have achieved some sort of agamogenesis, I bring you the Tactical Daddy.

From the web page:
The TACTICAL DADDY features 16 specialized pockets, sized for bottles, wipes, a changing pad, diapers, keys, toys and other items you need when out and about with your child. This vest is excellent for carrying all of your essential supplies, without having to schlep an extra bag.
Be sure to check out the videos on the web page to see the Tactical Daddy in action!
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Politically incorrect alphabet
The politically incorrect alphabet found here. A sampling of a few (C is for cannibal, L is for lunatic, I is for Indian, Z is for zombie). I'll let you find the animated ones for yourself.

Saturday, September 16, 2006
America: Unprepared
I know that sometimes this blog tends to focus a little too much on the myriad of disasters that are crouching over us, ready to pounce without warning and send us all to the next life, screaming. I blame Jason's rampant paranoia and Kendall's sad, quiet death wish for this unhealthy obsession. Well, I don't mean to pile on, but I found this important story that demonstrates just how unprepared we are for the coming apocalypse. Here are a few quotes from this chilling article:
Despite "more than ample warning" for the most likely means of worldwide destruction, less than one million American households have taken even the simplest precautions against nuclear shockwaves, asteroid impact, or a host of angels bearing swords of fire, the study concluded.
"Even assuming someone eventually developed an above-ground super-house able to withstand the 1,200-degree temperature and massive force of lava and ash rain that would result from a globe-shattering asteroid impact, its occupants would be unprepared for the ensuing radical climate change," Olheiser said. "By the same token, the average household lacks the 1.2 million gallons of heating oil needed to withstand the prolonged sub-zero temperatures of another protracted Ice Age—perhaps the most shocking of the public's many oversights."
"I just renovated my house with cantilevered leaden cofferdams for increased earthquake and radiation protection, and I'm working on a pantheistic altar to appease the god or gods most likely to return to this world with an insatiable wrath," said Seattle resident Tim Hanson, whose actions were praised in the study as a "highly rare display of prescience and vigilance."

Get started on your pantheistic altar today. Do it for the kids.
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
Short Book Review: Redemption Ark by Alastair Reynolds