'80s TV
Since the topic came up at lunch today (I described a MacGyver episode (#20 "The Escape") full of do-gooding, plot twisting, and PCP bomb making), I thought this little cartoon was fitting. I try to check the Savage Chickens page daily for some Chickens-on-Post-It wackiness.

MacGyver: "Fuad, you are one miserable son of a diseased camel."
Truer words have never been spoken, except for Airwolf, which I'm sure is just as cool and well-acted as I remember.
I second that. Not the Airwolf part, but the thing about 80's TV not being as good as we remember it. I find that's true of everything - especially the future, and often the present as well. The present is never as good as I remember it.
(Let's see if Tommy can top that for our impromptu "stoned or not?" posting competition.)
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