Tuesday, July 31, 2007

20 years of Pi

In preparation for his 20-year high-school reunion (Yikes!) one YR author finds this picture posted on the event website. Posing with his two best nerd pals, we have proof that his love of Pi dates back to the 80s. It's good to know some things have not changed. And Yes, I still have that book. And no, I still have not read it.

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Brain Time!

I'm ready to start an experiment. Now that the colon project is complete, I'm going to focus on the other end- my brain. On it's way to me right now is a 30-day supply of ...stuff, I guess, which promises to enhance my thought processes, clear the fog, and boost my productivity without caffeine. My question to our loyal YR readers(s) is: How can I tell if it's working?
I need a base-line; some way of knowing something in my noodle has improved.
My co-workers have suggested things like, "Can Jason find a restaurant himself in less than 9 previous visits?" "Can Jason be relied on to drive to a location without constant prompting?" If no one tells me what to do I drive to either Panera in the Alderwood Mall, or home. Depends on which direction we start out in. "Can Jason point North?" I can't even get this right 25% of the time.
Suggestions not related to my directional impairment: "Can Jason remember what he did on the weekend? Can he even remember what he had for breakfast?"

I'm open to any ideas, any benchmarks, whatever you can think of. If it works for me, then there just might be a ray of hope for Tommy.

Sunday, July 22, 2007

There's Klingons on the Starboard Bow

I'm posting this for no reason other than we need some new posts.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Top Science Fiction Movies of All Time

The mysterious entity who I will only refer to as "K" pointed me to Rotten Tomatoes list of the top 100 science fiction films of all time. Fancying myself to be somewhat of a connoisseur of that genre, I thought I'd give my comments on the top 10.

10. Aliens - A well deserved slot for one of my all time favorite movies and an SF classic. Vicious aliens, space marines, cool weapons and a host of classic lines. What more do you want? Game over, man.

9. Star Wars - An excellent choice for ninth place. Star Wars redefined science fiction cinema and changed summer movies (and popular culture) forever. Plus it had lightsabres!

8. The Host - Never seen it, never heard of it. Apparently its a Korean film about something or another. Most likely it sucks.

7. Children of Men - Over-hyped, overwrought, and somewhat stupid. No doubt here because it won some recent award or something. When compiling "best X of all time" lists, one should exclude nominees that are less than 5 years old. History will not look kindly on Children of Idiots Men.

6. The Empire Strikes Back - Now we're talking. The most awesome Star Wars movie of all time, and that's really saying something. I'm your father! You bet you are, baby!

5. Minority Report - WTF? Can someone please explain to me how the plot to setup Tom Cruise as a murderer was supposed to work? Anyone? I didn't think so. Rule #1 of all time movie lists: don't pick movies that have giant plot holes.

4. Alien - No argument here. Creepy monster movie set in space, and one of the greatest scenes in movie history. Geez Kane. you aren't looking so good.

3. Metropolis - I've heard this movie hyped so much I can guarantee that I think it will suck if it ever makes it to the top of my Netflix queue.

2. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind - OK, this was a good one. I think it is one of those films that you have to see a couple of times to really understand all of it. A little too recent to be positive, but a good pick nonetheless.

1. ET - Gimme a break. Who made this list anyway? No way this is the greatest SF movie of all time. It wasn't even the best SF movie of 1982. Khaaaaaaaaan!

With 2001 and The Terminator not in the top 10, how am I supposed to take this list seriously?