Sunday, July 29, 2007

Brain Time!

I'm ready to start an experiment. Now that the colon project is complete, I'm going to focus on the other end- my brain. On it's way to me right now is a 30-day supply of ...stuff, I guess, which promises to enhance my thought processes, clear the fog, and boost my productivity without caffeine. My question to our loyal YR readers(s) is: How can I tell if it's working?
I need a base-line; some way of knowing something in my noodle has improved.
My co-workers have suggested things like, "Can Jason find a restaurant himself in less than 9 previous visits?" "Can Jason be relied on to drive to a location without constant prompting?" If no one tells me what to do I drive to either Panera in the Alderwood Mall, or home. Depends on which direction we start out in. "Can Jason point North?" I can't even get this right 25% of the time.
Suggestions not related to my directional impairment: "Can Jason remember what he did on the weekend? Can he even remember what he had for breakfast?"

I'm open to any ideas, any benchmarks, whatever you can think of. If it works for me, then there just might be a ray of hope for Tommy.


Blogger Mike said...

I suggest blind folding, being dropped into a random location in downtown Seattle, and then timing you on how long it takes you to get home. Say, for example, it takes you six weeks to get home. After thirty days of taking ... whatever, the experiment could be repeated. If it then only takes you five weeks to get home, we can then estimate the effectiveness of the ... whatever. Good luck and I'll try and keep up the blog while you're missing.

P.S. I think we are going to need an update on the Colon Project.

August 5, 2007 at 6:51:00 PM PDT  
Blogger Jason W. said...

I am now ready to begin. Local entities have agreed to base-line my directional output. As for the suggestion to be let go in Seattle to find my way home. Well, that does not get to the heart of the problem. A better test would be to see if I can remember which way to turn (more than 30% of the time, for example) when I leave the grocery store parking lot.

As for the colon project. I will post my results there since you are so keen to find out.

August 5, 2007 at 9:36:00 PM PDT  
Blogger Jason W. said...

OK, it's been a month, so how's my brain? Funny you should ask!
As shocking as it might seem, my results are inconclusive. Did I feel slightly less stupid than usual during the past 30 days? Kinda! Did I get $50 worth of less stupid? Maybe not. I've found that I get a better result from Oolong tea than from almost anything else. Even coffee makes me sleepy in some twist of fate. Next month, I'm going to buy $50 of Oolong tea and see where that gets me.
Wetzel out.

August 29, 2007 at 8:01:00 PM PDT  

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