20 years of Pi
In preparation for his 20-year high-school reunion (Yikes!) one YR author finds this picture posted on the event website. Posing with his two best nerd pals, we have proof that his love of Pi dates back to the 80s. It's good to know some things have not changed. And Yes, I still have that book. And no, I still have not read it.
There was a recent article in the New York Times on a study done of nerds. The conclusion of the study was that nerds acted "hyper-white" and totally rejected culture that is cool or popular. Nothing illustrates that conclusion as much as this picture. Particularly the Asian guy.
I forget to mention, that really is a cool sweater.
I like to think of us as post-white.
As for the sweater, it's a mystery to me. I had a Member's Only jacket for every day of the week, but different colors. I kept a notepad in the chest pocket on the outside.
Inside I would write my homework assignments, and check them off. I would also write things like 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841971693383279....
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