Amazon women are from where?
Behold. Surpassing Wilma Dearing in my mind - Wonder woman.
Young and impressionable, one thing became crystal clear as I sat ever so much closer to the TV gazing upon her herioc figure: I want that. I don't exactly know what I'd do with it if I had it, but I want it.

They are from Ohio.
Perhaps it is time for a special gift to Mrs. J ?
You are getting quite saucy in your old age.
How did you know what I got him two years ago for Valentine's Day? You can see how it paid off.
I don't appreciate you bringing to mind the image of Jason wearing the Wonder Woman costume and tied up with the Lasso of Truth.
Oy vai. No! Don't you get it? She was Wonder Woman, and I was The Black Vulcan! Oh, nevermind.
Somethings are just not meant for the internet.
oh yeah! try this for saucy:
wikipedia - Black Vulcan
"His powers include the ability to emit electricity from his hands, as well as fly by charging his lower body with energy."
Exactly. heh, heh....
The Black Vulcan seems a little out of your league. Are sure you weren't really dressed as the lame Wonder Twin who could control water in a bucket?
Form of ... a wash rag!
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